Sprint #7

Sprint Dates

Lab (Mon/Tues) then Meeting (Thurs/Fri)

Meeting (Mon/Tues) then Lab (Thurs/Fri)

Sprint Start Date

Thurs 4/11

Sun 4/8

Sprint End Date

Wed 4/24

Sun 4/21

Due Date

Wed 4/24 by 11:59 PM ET


Wed 4/24

To Do

✓ Attend Monthly Meeting 4 on April 17.

✓ See the Spring Schedule for timesheet, grading, and report deadlines.

✓ Final Semester Feedback completed with mentor **Please share the Mentor and TA Feedback Guide with your mentor ahead of time so they may prepare.

✓ Attend the Symposium Wednesday, April 24.

Sprint Schedule


The semester is not over yet. Your team is still required to host labs and meetings to work on deliverables.

Team Meeting #1 (50 minutes):

  • This is a credit-bearing class; take attendance and make sure students have their cameras turned on.

  • Project Updates from students:

    • What have they been working on since the last sprint?

    • Were there any hurdles, roadblocks or barriers that they experienced while completing this week’s task?

    • What do they plan on committing to completing by the next mentor meeting?

  • Time for questions from students to mentor.

    • Questions related to the project.

  • Ensure students are assigned tasks to work on before meeting again in the next lab.

Lab Section #1 (1 hour and 50 Minutes):

  • Final preparation for Symposium Poster Presentations including practice Q&A.

  • Continue to build out the company product or create add-ons.

  • Clean up and organize documentation.

Team Meeting #2 (50 minutes):

  • This is a credit-bearing class; take attendance and make sure students have their cameras turned on.

  • Project Updates from students:

    • What have they been working on since the last sprint?

    • Were there any hurdles, roadblocks or barriers that they experienced while completing this week’s task?

    • What do they plan on committing to completing by the next mentor meeting?

  • Time for questions from students to mentor.

    • Questions related to the project.

  • Ensure students are assigned tasks to work on before meeting again in the next lab.

Lab Section #2 (1 hour and 50 Minutes):

  • Final preparation for Symposium Poster Presentations.

  • Continue to build out the company product or create add-ons.

  • Clean up and organize documentation.

✓ Review Sprint Tasks for students: Sprint 7 Tasks.